Donate Tickets

Are you a show producer or ticket provider? Do you have unsold tickets that could be used by those in need? Donate them to Just The Ticket!

To make cultural events in Hong Kong accessible to those in need, Just the Ticket needs, well . . . tickets!  We welcome donations of two or more tickets from venues, ticket providers and show producers.

Donate Tickets: Just the Ticket accepts tickets online up to one week before scheduled performances.
To donate online please complete the online form below.
To donate tickets by phone please call 96172723.

Contact Us: Still have questions about making donations? Please email us at

Become a Beneficiary Partner

To become a beneficiary partner you must complete the following:

  1. Fill in the Just the Ticket application form here
  1. You must also agree to do the following:
  • 1. Attend an orientation session to learn the protocols of working with Just The Ticket.
  • 2. Sign a binding contract agreeing to the appropriate use of tickets.
  • 3. Submit post-event reports accounting for ticket usage.

We will contact you within two weeks of receiving your completed application. If you have any questions about submitting your application, please contact Sara Yurich at We will contact you within two weeks of receiving your completed application.